Saturday, April 28, 2012

Fast forward two months:

One late night I sat up thinking all was lost; or was it? Oddly it doesn’t feel lost. I should be in a panic and that feeling does come and go, but over all no one sees the sky falling yet. Personally I have to believe that these delays are happening for a reason. Follow the path! So as I said, it is late and I just know there is a reason so I begin to google R&D in our area. I went over a few pages and I stumble upon this kid with whacked red hair standing beside a robotic arm he had created. I thought to myself that my husband should be working on stuff like that! Where does this kid work, where do they do this type of thing in this area? I moved on to find the name of the company and through other sources found that the company had a machine shop in this area. I was excited to see that they were a research lab, this is the dream job. My husband was made for that type of thing, he has trained for it his whole career. Another bit of research turned up the supervisor's name and email. I quickly shot off an email telling him, (using my husbands email account) that he needed me and I attached his website. Five hours later I wake up briefly when my husband is readying himself for work, "Honey, if someone calls from some company in ___, it was me", crash back down into the pillow. Six o'clock that Am some guy emails my husband back asking him to call him so he promptly calls. The next day he is interviewing and he is told that he has the job. Since there was no job requisition open, this will take a few weeks to set things up. NO Problem!

Plans work out and we acquire the dream job; two weeks notice has been given, albeit prematurely, yet we are so sure...! Reality hits home or rather hits us in the pocket book. Dream job pays a lot less then we hoped but there is hope for a future pay off. Is the work more important then the money cause the horrible job has potential too? Potential buyer (no good awful company) wants to negotiate with my husband and is upset that he has given his two weeks notice.

Our newest plan is to go forward with the dream job since they are insisting we go with a temp agency. This was offensive at first yet now it appears to give us a nice window; we can peer into this dream job and take the time to negotiate with the other guy. The end to all of this has been pushed out another month or so and we obviously do not get to step off the roller coaster; we are physically drained.

Things seem to be a little up in the air and there are a few days of real tension when we discover that the dream job is paying even less than we were told. I don't know what all this is, I just want it to end. I want the damn merry-go-round and I want off this damn roller coaster. I don't think I can take it any more. Fast forward another three weeks and i am sitting calmly in my front room tapping away at my computer after a day with the in-laws and my parents and a successful week at the dream job under our belt.

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