What is Dilemma number five? Perhaps the final hurdle will be to find me. I always state that I am a daughter, sister, friend, lover, wife and mother and then I like to state that sometimes I am even myself. What that is exactly isn’t truly defined as of yet; who am I? My entire reason for starting this blog was to try and define who I am. I felt that at this point in my life I should know more about who I am and I realized that I don’t. I thought that by writing words and sending them out into the cyber world that somehow the cosmos would help guide me along and indeed I have received my first comment; there are people out there. What do other women feel at this phase of their lives? Enquiring minds want to know :)
I did just realize that the daughter, sister, friend, lover, wife, mother, me comment is the key. It is all about perfecting or rather being satisfied with those phases of your life. If I had a career of some sort I would have stuck that in there as well, but I have been a domestic goddess most of my adult life. Not that I do not want a career because I would love to be something other than the aforementioned titles. Maybe I'll think about this some more.
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