Thursday, August 2, 2012


I am from here, born and raised on a southern California beach.  We moved to Oregon to raise our children and will never regret that move; it was the decision we had ever made.  Children that grow up on the beaches in southern Cal are very different from the Children growing up near Portland Oregon.  Again, good move by us__yeah us!

Now being back I am finding it hard to find our grove.  I was telling my mom as we drove around today that I knew these places but didn't have any emotional connection.  Shouldn't I have some sort of feeling or emotional connection?  Yes, there is my high school a few blocks up that way, Mira Costa where the kids went surfing for physical education.  I played volley ball on the beaches and rode my bike alone the strand or boardwalk as they call it back east.  Lots of memories but it is like it happened to someone else.  wild!

My daughter is looking to move to Santa Monica and start work in the movie industry.  We were online looking at the area and wow, it just clicked for her.  She instantly made this connection and I could see it.  I saw the connection form!  I am really happy for her and although that particular journey is not quite off my shoulders yet, I am thrilled that she has found her path.  We still have to nail the interview, settle on a wage and find a place to live.  O and there is the little question about lending her a car until she can buy her own, buying insurance for her and for the old Jeep my husband will have to drive.  OMG just made myself dizzy.  Ha ha, I just noticed that i wrote "we" still have to nail the interview, see I am still have issues with the separation thing.  Her life / my life.

OH my Goodness still so many balls in the air.

The Olympics are on so I have basically forgotten where I was going with my thoughts today.   It has something to do with that drive I took with my mom.  The feeling that I was a woman from Oregon visiting a town in southern California.  I just basically feel so distracted.

More on this after the Olympics

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