Friday, July 27, 2012

Opening Ceremonies

I must be overly critical cause I didn't love these opening ceremonies __or old, maybe I'm too old and perhaps i am not the target audience here.  There was so much going on I lost interest and didn't see the relevance.  I do love seeing the athletes walking in.  Something to be incredibly proud of especially when you consider all the work and sacrifice these individuals have given to be there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Juggle this!

All the balls are up in the air and I am not sure how to proceed.  I know I can only go forward because that is what we do in this realm, we move forward.  No one that I know of has figured out how to relive the past, just as well, I do not want to go backwards.  Anyway I have these balls that I've tossed up into the air and now some of them are falling as they are supposed to do.... now what?

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hump Day

Hump Day 

I used to love Wednesdays, that wonderful middle of the week day that means the weekend is just around the corner.  Now I think, ugh it is almost Wednesday that day I have to run down to my parents house an hours drive sometimes more.  Wednesday, the day I spend the night in my childhood room wishing I were in bed next to my husband.  Wednesday, the day I drive down and find a list of "to-dos" just for little ole me.  Move this, clean that...I had to change my outfit three times because I had gotten so filthy working in the yard.  Wednesday :/